
What's the Difference Between Botox® and Fillers?

Aug 01, 2023
What's the Difference Between Botox® and Fillers?
Botox® and fillers, fillers and Botox — these two leading cosmetic treatments seem to go hand in hand, but which does what, and do you need them both? Here’s what you need to know about how Botox and fillers differ and how to choose the right one.

You can’t scroll through your social media feed or turn on the TV without seeing an ad for Botox® and fillers. They usually include stunning images of beautiful people but contain little information on how they work and what they treat. 

That’s why Dr. Kathleen J. Smith and our team Dermatology Specialists of Atlanta in Decatur, Georgia, have developed this guide to Botox and fillers. We explain the science behind each treatment and outline the specific cosmetic complaints they address. 

This information gives you valuable insight into your options, so that when you come in for a consultation, you can make an informed decision that suits your needs and aesthetic vision. 

Here’s what you need to know about Botox and fillers

What Botox can do

Botox has an interesting past many don’t know about. The active ingredient was first discovered after a botulism breakout in Belgium in the late 1800s. Then, scientists in the 1970s found it could treat crossed eyes.  

Finally, in 2002, the FDA gave Botox the green light to treat wrinkles. Since then, millions have relied on Botox to reduce the appearance of their frustrating facial flaws. 

Here’s how it works. Botox is the brand name of a toxin from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. In small doses, the toxin has temporary paralytic effects on your facial muscles, preventing them from contracting and causing wrinkles to show up. 

For that reason, Botox works best on dynamic wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles are those that appear when you make facial expressions; they tend to show up around your eyes, mouth, nose, and forehead.

Once we inject Botox, your muscles stop contracting and your face stops creasing when you smile, frown, or make an expression.

What fillers can do

As the name suggests, dermal fillers “fill in” the areas of your face that have lost volume and started to sag. Our fillers contain hyaluronic acid and other substances that plump up your haggard features. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance that helps your joints, skin, and eyes retain moisture and structure, making them the perfect candidate to help restore volume.  

We use the Juvéderm® line of fillers, which contain some of the highest levels of hyaluronic acid available. 

Fillers can go almost anywhere on your face, but we use them for thin lips and sunken cheeks most often. 

But it doesn’t stop there — fillers can also address lines in your face. Contrary to Botox, which addresses dynamic wrinkles, fillers tackle static wrinkles, which appear when your face is at rest. With your features plump and supple, deep folds around your nose and lips also fade away. 

Which is best for me?

Botox and fillers take different approaches to similar problems, and both are incredibly good at what they do. Neither treatment requires downtime nor comes with a laundry list of possible side effects. Anyone, regardless of demographics, can get Botox and fillers, and you can usually have as many maintenance treatments as you need to keep your face looking young for the long haul.      

The best part? You don’t have to choose between the two. Botox and fillers are complementary treatments that work together to address signs of aging from multiple angles. 

Talk to us about combining Botox and fillers with our other anti-aging treatments, such as Jeuveau®, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, chemical peels, radiofrequency microneedling, and laser treatments.

If you’d like more information about which treatment is right for you, don’t hesitate to call our friendly staff or use our online booking tool to schedule a consultation today.