
How Does IPL Work to Improve the Look of My Skin?

Jul 16, 2024
How Does IPL Work to Improve the Look of My Skin?
We’re not gatekeeping it any longer. Here’s an inside look into intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy and how it can rejuvenate your skin in record time without a single stitch.

You’ve tried creams and topicals, skin care hacks, and wishful thinking — why not try something that actually works and is rooted in revolutionary technology?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is among the industry’s most advanced skin treatments, and it’s also one of the best-kept secrets. 

Our patients at Dermatology Specialists of Atlanta love IPL for its noninvasive, ultra-effective approach to a laundry list of cosmetic and medical skin flaws. Here, Kathleen J. Smith, MD, and our team show you how it all works.

Introducing IPL treatments

IPL treatments (you may hear someone call them photo facials) are a nonsurgical option for total skin rejuvenation. They use light energy to target skin structures called chromospheres, including visible veins, pigmentation, acne, melasma, and rosacea.

The pigment in your skin absorbs the energy and converts it to heat, causing your body to shed unwanted skin cells. The heat also triggers increased collagen production, which helps rebuild your skin from the inside out and restore a youthful appearance. 

With IPL, we can address a wide range of skin issues, including:

  • Acne
  • Sun damage
  • Birthmarks
  • Stretch marks
  • Liver or age spots
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Brown spots, also called liver or age spots
  • Dark spots from hormonal changes
  • Discolored skin
  • Freckles
  • Redness from rosacea
  • Scars
  • Spider veins

IPL can even be an effective treatment for unwanted body hair. 

IPL vs. laser treatments

Despite what you may think, IPL isn’t the same as laser treatments. Compared to laser treatments, IPL tends to be gentler, easier to recover from, and requires fewer sessions. 

However, some skin conditions respond better to laser treatments. During your consultation, we can help you decide which is best for you. 

The ideal IPL candidate

IPL treatments are incredibly versatile, but there are a few catches. For instance, IPL works best on pale to light brown skin tones. You may not be eligible if you’re pregnant, have an active skin condition or sunburn, or are taking certain medications, such as blood thinners or Accutane®.

We also advise against IPL or may recommend a different course of treatment if you are sensitive to light, have recently tanned your skin, have skin cancer, are very dark-skinned, and/or have severe scarring.

During the consultation phase, we carefully evaluate your skin, medical history, and treatment goals to ensure that IPL is the right choice for you. If it’s not, rest assured that our team will connect you with another treatment or combination of treatments to help you reach your skin goals.

What to expect from IPL

IPL treatments aren’t painful, but we still gently numb your skin to make sure you’re completely comfortable. After treatment, you may notice some mild redness, peeling, itching, and/or stinging. Your skin concerns may even become more visible, but this is a normal reaction to treatment and will fade in a few days.

Almost all of our patients need multiple sessions to achieve the best results. Typically, we recommend three to six sessions spaced every four weeks apart, but your specific treatment plan will vary based on your needs and skin type.

Once your skin has healed, your visible veins, blemishes, and other pigmentation problems are less noticeable (or disappear completely), leaving you with softer, smoother, younger-looking skin.

It’s time to take back your skin, and with IPL, you can do it faster and with less skin damage than ever before. If you’d like more information or want to see if you’re a candidate, call or click to schedule an appointment with the team at our Decatur, Georgia, office today.